Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Embossed dresses / Wytlaczane sukienki

For today a wee bit different angels but still kept in natural colours, but of course cheeks had to be coloured :)
This time I stamped some nice designs on the salt dough to make beautiful patterns on the dresses and I think they are beautifu just the way they are...Ohhhh I painted their hair too ;)

Na dzisiaj mam dla was troszeczke inne aniolki ale wciaz utrzymane w naturalnych kolorkach, ale oczywiscie musialam dodac koloru na ich policzkach :)
Tym razem odcisnelam piekne wzory na ciescie aby uzyskac bogato zdobione sukienki, i mysle ze sa piekne takie jakie sa, nic wiecej im nie potrzeba,,,,oooo a bym zapomnila, wlosy tez malowalam lecz staralam sie zachowac naturalnosc kolorow :)

Before painting
Przed malowaniem

And painted :)
I pomalowane :)